Top AgTech Solution Companies

List of Top AgTech Solution Companies

CIOReview magazine



Agtech is that the application of latest digital technologies with the intention of rapidly improving how efficiently activities at the various stages of agricultural value chains are conducted. Agtech is additionally seen to represent the appliance of technology — especially software and hardware technology — to the sector of farming. Agtech may be a relatively new phenomenon emerging within the last decade to deal with increasing concerns about food security for the growing global population and therefore the diminishing viability of farming.

What are some samples of agricultural technology?

Soil and Water Sensors
Weather Tracking
Satellite Imaging
Pervasive Automation
Minichromosomal Technology
RFID Technology
Vertical Farming

Scope of Agricultural Technology

Agricultural technology is among the foremost revolutionary and impactful areas of recent technology, driven by the elemental need for food and for feeding an ever-growing population. it’s opened an era during which powered machinery does the work formerly performed by people and animals (such as oxen and horses). These machines have massively increased farm output and dramatically changed the way people are employed and produce food worldwide. a well known example of agricultural machinery is that the tractor. Currently, mechanized agriculture also involves the utilization of airplanes and helicopters.

Farming has been one among the foremost volatile sectors that have evolved extensively amid changing climate and diversifying demographics, catalyzed by emerging technologies. Notably, in 2019, among all the given parameters, AgTech did shine together of the main driving factors of agriculture. The change has seen the development of agricultural data collection and sharing, and by leveraging the deep insights from the collected data, farmers, landowners, and investors could recover crop harvest and yield by leaps and bound. Besides, the expansion of AI (AI) within the field has led to improved data monitoring and given rise to data transparency and analytics in farming.

At this juncture, there is a wide variety of agtech solution providers entering the industry with a set of advanced and integrated offerings. To help companies navigate through the best-of-breed agtech solution providers and consulting companies, CIOReview has compiled a list of top 20 most promising agtech solution providers. The enlisted organizations are transforming the agricultural landscape. Besides, the magazine also comprises insights from thought leaders in the sector on the industry trends, best practices, recent innovations, and their advice for the aspiring CIOs.

CIOReview’s, “Top AgTech Solution Companies



CIOReview magazine

Source for information about companies. Technology-specific news, insights, analysis from the C-suite executives, industry experts, editors.